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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureJubilee Briscoe

How we keep climate change to under 1.5 °C

The world's scientists agree that we need to keep our global temperature increase below 1.5 °C . They also agree this will take a massive overhaul of our current system. We, the people, need to solve this issue cause corporations and governments are not going to.

Sitting down over the last week to try to explain why the global cooperative is the answer to this problem in particular it became clear that climate change is a microcosm of fixing all the complex problems and then I remembered the Venn diagram and how beautifully it fits here too.

We need solutions. We need ways to sequester carbon, new clean energy sources, ways to clean up the oceans, soil air etc. As a globe we need solutions no matter where they come from. We need to be able to access solutions on their merit and reduce the barriers that are stopping individuals and businesses from getting or keeping their solution on the market (ie available).

When someone harness flow we get solutions (the venn diagram). No matter where those solutions are from (cooperative, corporation, or individual) we as a population need to be aware of possible solutions and be able to compare them to existing an emerging solutions. This can be done together with an app we create together.

This is for solutions that are already designed within the flow (or not) using the old system of incentives (profit). We can also help stimulate new solutions by dealing with each of the circles and making them bigger (so more people and groups are in flow on this particular problem that needs solving).

There is an app for that or rather many apps.

To have more people aware of the issue we need to understand the issue on a massive scale. We need a way for every day people to understand what happens with global warming. People need to easily be able to reference the what, when, where, why and how. We need to be able to understand the science and see the big picture of a topic. This is done in the science app and can be done on a project by project basis (climate change only to start).

We need more people understanding the issue and a common space online to go to for data and unbiased information we can work off. We can stop having the same tired arguments and use that energy to move forward.

For each solution, developing or existing, it is only a solution if people will do it, that is they want to do it. A solution to all go vegan only works when people actually GO vegan. In order for a solution to work it needs enough people doing it (thresholds met). We need to design systems for the lazy, cheap, busy people especially where we need massive human shifts.

I am not a vegan, and have no plans to go full vegan but if delicious vegan food that was nutritious, my kid would eat it AND it was delivered to my door for relatively cheap ($6 per portion) I would absolutely eat more vegan. It is about designing solutions that work for the people across the spectrum and that means designing solutions that work WITH and not against human nature. If we make solutions that are cheap, easy, and convenient then people will WANT to use them.

The skills needed comes from having enough people. If people have access to the information (aware) and the systems make it easy to do the work (want) then anyone from anywhere can come up with a solution that we can access to see how it compares to the current options.

The old system still comes up with solutions we need to be able to access them. Also we can help our community come up with solutions by arming them with scientific knowledge, community, personal data and a system to work through to a solution together.

  1. Understand the big picture of what is known and not known, trustworthy and usable information - Science app

  2. Our own individual data (how our choices are affecting the globe) - product app

  3. We need to be able to access and compare existing solutions no matter where they come from - solution comparison app

  4. A system to work through creating solutions together - the main collaboration station (aka the HUB) does this

This is 4 different apps (at least) that we would benefit from having and if we build them and own them together they are more trustworthy (the information, the motives etc) and efficient. We can create all the technological infrastructure we need to understand, discover and create TOGETHER on a massive scale.

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