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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureJubilee Briscoe

Neurodiversity saves us all

This world does not work for the neurodiverse, not without great effort on our part to conform. When we stop wasting energy masking we are able to spend that energy doing what we love, what drives us and often this is a benefit to all of humanity.

I am sure this is true of all humans. When we as a society give people permission to just be who we are instead of trying SO hard to conform and fit in we can do what we are here to do; create, invent, discover, teach and authentically connect.

The more energy one must spend masking and conforming to fit into current society, the more will be unleashed when we are given permission to just be who we are.

Currently our world works for a tiny group (maybe so tiny it is actually non existent). These people are the people who naturally ARE what society currently accepts. They do not have to mask or fake it they just ARE what society currently values and supports.

We do not need these people to change we just need to create a world that works for the rest of us too. A world designed for our true human diversity.

All the spectrums

All the talents

All the challenges

All the ways of being

We do not need to do it all at once. We simply create an internal culture of acceptance. Support ourselves and each other as we are RIGHT NOW.

Let geeks geek out on what they want to and we all benefit.

Let people move their bodies as they desire, speak their truth even if it is non verbal or incoherent, allow people to be terrible at things, allow people to get it wrong.

Allow us each to create a life that enthrall us. Allow people to find and create communities that love their unique self exactly as they are.

Our neurodiversity WILL save our planet and ourselves because when we are freed from masking and performing we get to be who we TRULY are.

When we are who we truly are we can not help but be our peak self. This can not be measured against others or society. It looks different in each individual. There are 7.5 billion ways to be AMAZING.

We give our genius to the world when we are allowed. We can allow this of ourselves and of each other.

Who is in?

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