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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureJubilee Briscoe

80/20 rule: How a spoonie saves the world

80% of the outputs comes from 20% of the inputs this is also known as the Pareto Principle and is used in marketing and management to optimize results. We can use it in our lives too, and I have had to.

In business this means that 20% of your customers account for 80% of your sales

At work 80% of your production comes from 20% of your activity

In my life, the life of a spoonie (click here for what spoonie means) I have had to find the 20% of activity that gives me the 80% of results and let go of the the remaining 20% that would only be achievable only by expending 4x the energy.

As a single mom living below the poverty line in Vancouver (who is also very blessed with community and resources) I have had to come up with the 20% of spending that gives 80% of food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, joy, etc.

Food is the most difficult for me. 80% of calories come from 20% of our food. 80% of our nutrients from 20%. 80% of our food comes from 20% of the budget (energy and money). These 20%’s do not overlap much. Getting cheap nutritious food that is easy to prepare and that my kid will eat is a freaking unicorn of a task and one I have yet to accomplish but I try to concentrate on one or 2 of these areas and let the rest go. This will be one of the apps we build together to help ourselves find delicious and nutritious foods within our time, energy and money budgets by crowd sourcing the data required to maximize our diets.

In any group 80% of the ideas, production, activity etc comes from 20% of the individuals. As individuals, some of us are this 20% in many areas and some of us are constantly the 80% this is in part because of how much we are forced to attain perfection in all areas of society at once. It is hard to find OUR 20% when we are forced to achieve 100% or feel like a failure.

As a perfectionist this has been a long hard journey and one I am still on. These weekly blog posts I have committed to are 80% of the time done within flow during the week but come Monday morning if I have not had inspiration hit I must let whatever comes out come and be happy with “good enough”.

These are many of the feelings and limitations I have had to work through and continue to work through to get this project out into the world. I have had to concentrate on what I CAN do instead of what I can not do and leave those parts to other people, having faith that they will come.

When we can be happy with getting 80% of our desires and accomplishing 80% of what society dictates, life gets so much better. I have learned to let go of societies expectations out of necessity. I try to find spontaneous ways to help my friends, family and communities as my spoons allow because I can not commit to a schedule like other people. I find immense joy in helping where I can.

The beauty of the society we are creating together is that the 20% is different for all of us. The tasks that are simple and fun for us are not as daunting as ones that are complex and arduous.

We all have different tasks that fit into our 20% and if we get organized (which we are going to) we can help each other with the remainder.

You can not simply hire only the 20% 5 times over and get a uber work force. This is not how the system works. You CAN help all your employees find the 20% of their work that gives them the 80% of production. It will most likely be the part they enjoy and is easy for them. Then find new employees who love to do the parts that are left over.

This is what we are going to do together. By allowing our members to find their flow; the place where they are the 20%. It feels good to be that 20% that give 80% especially when you know that other people have the reverse in other areas you are not great at.

Part of allowing this 80/20 rule to be beneficial is to let go of society's expectations.

Example: In parenting, especially motherhood, we are expected to be so much; remember all the appointments, go to every event, do pinterest worthy crafts and decorating, be present with our children 24/7, cook organic nutritious food, have well behaved children, all while working outside the house. This is achievable by NO ONE.

We can let go and find what part of parenting you enjoy that benefits your kid(s) the most. Let them find what makes them happy and allow yourself the same.

Well I think I got to 80% of the point I was trying to make so I will wrap up this week and go onto the bigger project that is unfolding in exciting ways. I will be writing about it in the next blog post if I can sit still long enough in my excitement to write about the possibilities within the next week.

Where can you apply the 80/20 rule to maximize happiness in your life?

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