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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureJubilee Briscoe

Hope: The greatest gift I have to offer

By society's standards I should be miserable, I am technically below the poverty line with a body that is constantly in pain and exhausted. Yet I am finally happy and I feel lucky to be alive at this time and place, inhabiting this body to do the work I was put here to do. I have access to something that most of the world does not and that something is HOPE. Not just the belief that someone someday will offer solutions. I have hope in a better future we can actively create together. I can see the path and how we get there. This hope for a better world keeps me going in these dark and chaotic times. I want to offer this hope to those who see the chaos but, not yet, the possibility.

I can clearly see that a different world is possible even probable when we start working together. A world of peace and abundance for every single human being which effortlessly leads to a new world of innovation and advancement like never before.

The flip side of the hope is despair and I can see that too. I have been studying misery and despair (along with hope and solutions) since I could talk, reason and read. I have been seeking out the atrocities of humanity; what we do to each other, what we do to this planet, what we do to ourselves. Although this has taken a toll on my physical, mental, and emotional health it has also given me the ability to see how we solve these complex issues, together.

I see two possible worlds for us one where we continue along this path of unfettered capitalism that destroys the fabric of society, our planet and leads to widespread misery and death. I don't like that future I would like to actively work against that future but it is the future we get if we do nothing.

The other future only takes a little effort a little cooperation and we easily tilt humanity’s course towards peace and abundance for everyone. We do so by arming humanity with knowledge, connection and the tools to work together to solve our problems from the individual to the global.

When Individuals get

- To be themselves

- Find groups that they belong to (that see and like them for THEM)

- Have access to all the tools and resources they need

- Have collective information on which to build solutions

- Have all of their needs increasingly met for less time/money than they previously required

This is a recipe for human advancement. When we free ourselves from working to live we can start truly living and when people come alive their genius shows up. A handful of such people can solve any problem and we will be creating millions of geniuses.

Technology, even within the existing paradigm, is a powerful tool but can only be so powerful in the hands of for-profit corporations with in a society that is growing ever more distrustful. Together we can create technology that is even more powerful because we can build it to be trustworthy. We can design it for purpose over profit.

Crowdfunding, crowd-sourcing and block-chain technology show what happens when we come together. We're able to crowd-source Wikipedia, the largest collection of accurate information that is accessible to all for free. Crowdfunding has helped us combine our finances bringing to fruition many projects that wouldn't otherwise find funding in traditional routes. Blockchain gives us the ability to decentralize, skip the bureaucracy and create systems that do not require costly oversight. Technology has already connected the globe, given us all of human information at our fingertips, facilitated revolutions and it's only in its infancy and done within the old “for profit first and foremost” society. Imagine what we can create when we own technology together and create it for purpose, not profit.

Together we can create projects that give us

1) Trustworthy and usable information in economics, politics, science, and history

2) Connection through platforms created to facilitate depth and compatibility

3) Voluntary systems that help us solve our own needs (feed, clothe and house ourselves)

Once we have a catalog of roughly a dozen sought-after projects we will have already created a new world. A world where every single individual can go online and easily find the information and people they need to work on any issue that calls to them.

When individuals

1) Are allowed to be themselves, (exactly where they are on their unique human journey)

2) can easily form groups that have common goals

3) Are armed with the knowledge of humanity in a trustworthy and usable way

SOLUTIONS FOR EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM (existing and newly arising) will be created, easily.

I want more than anything to offer this feeling of hope and the vision of an abundant and peaceful future to all of the people who feel lost and overwhelmed by the state of our current society.

We create a better world for humanity by creating a better life for ourselves as individuals. Creating the tools that free us from labour and let us get to the true work of living and growing.

The entire process of creating a better world can be fun and easy. If it is fun and easy everyone is going to want to save the world. There is room for everyone, everyone is invited. We are going to have a blast creating this world in full public view, making mistakes, learning from them and constantly improving.

Welcome to the peaceful revolution, it will be televised.

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